Soggy socks on cold concrete - The No-Shoes Blues
October 11, 2007
Frank@OBOW in Air travel news, Travel News & Regulations

clear.jpgThe shoeless security shuffle continues, even if you are a member of the Clear registered traveler program:

You will still have to take your shoes off at the airport checkpoint. The Transportation Security Administration said Tuesday that it had rejected the use of a General Electric shoe-scanning machine that was supposed to provide a central benefit for members of the Clear version of the Registered Traveler program: the ability to pass through security with their shoes on. The machine would instead have scanned the shoes electronically for weapons or explosives. - from the International Herald-Tribune

Slip-ons and flip-flops are here to stay. 

Here’s the TSA’s bulletin on the shoe scanner non-starter


Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (
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