For the traveler who has everything...
October 15, 2007
Frank@OBOW in Tip-O-Rama

jiggy.jpgI’m not making this up. You can buy zipper lubricant in a can. And it’s called Jig-A-Loo:


Jig-A-Loo is a revolutionary new product that combines the power of a lubricant with a water repellent.
Unlike any other lubricant, it contains no oil, grease, wax or detergent, so it doesn’t stain or stink. It stops squeaks, unsticks just about anything, protects against rust, and is an exceptional water repellent.
With thousands of uses around the house, garden, cottage and more, it’s the all-around solution in a can. 

The manufacturer calls it a “lubri-pellant” and recommends it for zippers and practically everything else you can think of. They claim it’s non-staining. This would make it appropriate for luggage…or trousers. And, hey, it’s from Canada, eh?

From the website FAQ: 

Can I use Jig-A-Loo on garments?

Yes, Jig-A-Loo does not stain. Have a stuck zipper on your white jeans, your wife’s dress? Your kid’s jacket? Or another piece of clothing? Just spray it with Jig-A-Loo for quick and clean results.


Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (
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