More from Tough Traveler
October 6, 2007
Frank@OBOW in Gear Reviews, Luggage

Bizip.jpgTough Traveler, an all-American company based in Schenectady, NY, offers a bewildering array of bags, packs, cases, and carriers. They were kind enough to send me a large carton of cordura several weeks ago and it contained some surprises. First of all, I was not as crazy about the Tri-Zip convertible carryon (full review here) as I expected to be.  Still, it’s an impressive bag, and with a few minor tweaks could be much better. It has been highly reviewed elsewhere, and with good reason I’m sure. Tough Traveler has a great warranty too. All the Tough Traveler stuff seems to be extremely well made.

The box also contained the slightly trimmer (8” deep) Bi-Zip case - similar to the Tri-Zip but with two compartments and no backpack straps. It would make an excellent lightweight shoulder bag, but - inexplicably - it has no hold-downs.SuperPadreBackpack.jpg

The nicest surprise were two pure backpacks - The Super Padre large and medium. The large SP is borderline for carryon size but should just squeeze in - in most cases. The medium seems  to hold nearly as much and is well under maximum carryon size. The are both extremely comfortable on the back thanks to an internal frame, great waistbelt, and lots of load adjustment straps. They are traditional pack designs so you’ll have to roll or stuff - not for the business traveler, but what a joy to carry. I could see wearing these all day with no discomfort. (See specs for these two packs at the bottom of this post).

The strangest thing in the box was, no doubt, the Cygnet three-way convertible. This engineering marvel is a shoulder bag, backpack, or rolling case - you decide.  This one-of-kind case is pricey ($325) but impressive. It is quite trim without the dolly attached. It has less capacity than the Trip-Zip but does have a built-in garment bag (same as the optional Hang-Up for the Trip-Zip). I can’t say if this three-way bag is for you, but it is interesting. The removable dolly attaches to the bag with an array of velcro panels and straps, The bag weight only 6.5 pounds with the wheels, which makes it one of the lightest rollers out there. If you like something just a little different, the Cygnet might be for you.cygnet.jpg

SUPER PADRE Ergonomic Backpack specs:

Super Padre - Size Large

SIZE: 23”x12”x9”
Fits: Adults 5’3” - 6’3”
Capacity: 2,800 cu”
Weight: 2.6 lbs

Additional Features:
• Ventilated bottom pocket with mesh front provides more carrying space, and keeps damp items from getting musty.

Price: $156.00
Color: Teal, Black, Slate, Natural, Navy, Raspberry, Olive


Super Padre - Size Medium
SIZE: 18.5”x11.5”x9.5”
Fits: 8 yrs old - Adults 5’10”
Capacity: 2,200 cu.”

Weight: 2.3 lbs

Additional Features:
• Ventilated bottom pocket with mesh front provides more carrying space, and keeps damp items from getting musty.

Price: $132.00
Color: Royal, Teal, Natural, Raspberry, Slate




Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (
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