More one-bag rule news from the UK
November 16, 2007
Frank@OBOW in Air travel news, Luggage, Travel News & Regulations

It sounds like the UK will ease its one-bag/no personal item rule in early 2008, but there is some waffle room for the authorities and some bureaucratic hoops involved: 

From 7 January airports will be able to seek permission to let more than one item of hand luggage be taken on board flights by passengers.

Size restrictions on liquids and cabin luggage will remain and Ms Kelly said it was “not about relaxing” security.

In order to be able to relax the “one bag rule”, airports will have to apply to the Department for Transport and prove they have the necessary screening measures to handle extra cabin luggage.” - BBC

Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (
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