Heathrow heck part two - and hope ahead
April 28, 2007
Frank@OBOW in Air travel news



In an article about a new Heathrow terminal which will open in 2008, the Times of London correspondent quips:

“Heathrow has been a Third-World experience, pretty gruelling all round. But Terminal 5? When it opens next March Bartlett can hereby confirm that you will not, repeat not, be treated like cattle. What, no cramped queue lines to herd behind? No ceilings so low they scrape your pate? No more shovelling us through with cattle-prods?”

In the meantime, just grin and say “moo”…. Seriously, this is a fine, honest article about the challenges of building a modern airport.


Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (http://www.1bag1world.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.