New rules a blessing for the carry-on crowd?
April 9, 2007
Frank@OBOW in Luggage

Veteran flight attendant and columnist James Wysong implies that the new liiquid restrictions for carryons is shoving more luggage to cargo bins - leaving more room in the overhead bins. That’s good news for onebaggers. A quote:

“Have you noticed anything different about air travel recently? I mean, besides the hassle of checking your bags and waiting for them at the other end? Something inside the airplane? Why, yes: It’s the sudden availability of space in the overhead compartments — even on full flights. It sure saves a lot of aggravation in my job. I think the last time flight attendants got a break like this was when smoking was banned on the airplane.”

Is this typical? 


Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (
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