Self-described goon at London Heathrow
May 1, 2007

bahr.gifCheck out this uproariously funny and unquestionably informative thread on the flyertalk forum in which a supposed London Heathrow employee bares his soul. For instance:

“I’m very irritable and couldn’t care less about most passengers never coming here again…How to piss me off: Tell me you’re American and flying Business class. That in America you can go through with two bags and that you paid an awful lot for your ticket. Automatically gets you on the “lets just annoy you for a while” list. Most of us don’t like the majority of American passengers we get. There are always exceptions but they really don’t know the best way of going about things…”

Includes great - and probably accurate - info about the UK’s one bag/plus NO personal item rule and their enforcement of the liquid ban. 

Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (
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