Upstart cut-rate carrier Skybus (of $10 ticket fame) has incentivized your hunger. Flight attendants will get commission on sales of foods and other items on Skybus flights - and remember, you’re not allowed to carry any food or drink on to this “Flying Greyhound”. From the USA Today air travel blog (quoting
“Skybus flight attendants will be hawking not only food and water but also such sundries as suntan lotion and jewelry to an extremely captive market. And the attendants will have incentives aplenty to tap you on the shoulder. Paid only $9 an hour, or $16,000 a year, they’ll get a 10% commission on any merchandise sold in this flying souk.”
You could always try the Napoleon Dynamite trick and stuff some tater tots in your cargo pants…
Here’s a great story on the ‘Bus by ABC NEWS. Some highlights:
Before the plane even took off, Skybus was tempting me to open my wallet. Flight attendants passed out catalogs, offering watches, necklaces, pens, sunglasses, makeup, perfume.
Flight attendants told us about the merchandise long before anybody gave a safety lecture. It was like the Home Shopping Network at 35,000 feet.
The airline’s witty “rules of flying” state: “Oh, and don’t sneak food onboard unless you brought enough for the whole plane.”
“We’re discouraging that because that’s part of our profit model,” Diffenderffer (CEO) said. “But we’re not food Nazis. Nobody’s going to take away their sandwich.” - the entire story here.
Check out the official Skybus Rules of Flying.