There are three great American companies who still make quality bags one at a time. Red Oxx, Tom Bihn, and Tough Traveler are about as different as can be, but for around $200 each of them will sell you a quality hand-made carry-on bag with a real lifetime warranty. And chances are, you could call any of them and have the owner on the phone in a couple of minutes. I’ve reviewed the Red Oxx Air Boss and hope to review Tom Bihn’s Aeronaut and Tough Traveler’s TriZip or BiZip soon. No one design will suit every user, but I’m confident that one of these companies has the bag for you - if you’re serious about light travel.
About the Aeronaut: Some reviews from The Gadgeteer, Imago Metrics, and
Doug Dyment of loves the Tough Traveler (and suggested improvements which were implemented) and helped design the Air Boss!
A note: All of these bags are at or near maximum legal carryon dimensions (45” combined). This size may actually prove too big for you if you’re an ultra-light traveler. There is a dearth of slightly undersized carryons.