Within in a week I’ll receive two interesting bags for evaluation. One is the elusive MEI Voyageur. This convertible carry-on pack is the Unicorn of the luggage world. Everyone’s heard of it (thanks to onebag.com but most people have never seen one and don’t know where to find it since the company that makes it has a minimal web presence. From Tom Bihn is coming the Aeronaut with a slew of accessories. We’ll check out the hip and shapely ‘Naut in the next three weeks.
On the review front, the folks at Red Oxx have been very kind, reprinting my Air Boss review with these comments:
“Wow! We don’t think we could have written a more complimentary and brutally honest review if we tried. This is the whole truth and nothing but the truth. We’ll certainly take the criticisms to heart and do some “product development.” Thanks again, One Bag, One World has our travel philosophy to a T.”
Actually my criticisms were more like suggestions, and I strive for honesty without the brutality… A side note to the Air Boss review: I hadn’t been off the the airplane 30 seconds at Heathrow before I ran into another guy with an Air Boss. He professed to be very pleased with the Boss. He was only a little weirded out by the fact that I wanted to take his picture.