You know it was bad flight when...
July 19, 2007
Frank@OBOW in Air travel news

…you have to get a polio shot when you land - yikes!

‘Passengers on a flight to Melbourne from Bangkok are being vaccinated against polio after doctors detected the paralysis-causing virus in one of the travelers.

A 22-year-old student was found to have the disease shortly after returning to Melbourne on a July 2 Thai Airways International flight from a vacation in Pakistan. Health officials are tracing all 238 passengers on flight TG999 to vaccinate them against the virus, which is spread in the feces of infected people. So far, 59 passengers have been immunized and no new infections have been reported, said the Department of Human Services for the state government of Victoria in Australia.

“We’re being ultra-cautious here,” said Bram Alexander, a department spokesman. The infected passenger told officials that he had used the plane’s toilets to urinate only, Alexander said.’ — AP via IHT


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