September 4, 2007
Frank@OBOW in Travel News & Regulations
The pervasiveness and inevitability of luggage theft and pilferageat airports is the subject of a well-done New York Times story. That’s mostly checked luggage mind you. Security rules from recent years requiring that luggage be left unlocked (or TSA-locked) have only added to the problem. Surely this is one more reason not to check a bag. It’s a little harder to steal luggage off someone’s back or shoulder than it is in some cavernous baggage-handling pit. It is noted in the story however that travelers should be careful at security checkpoints where hand inspections occur while travelers may be distracted by things like walk-through metal detectors. Read “No Suitcase is Safe”
Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (
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