United charges for second checked bag
February 8, 2008
Frank@OBOW in Air travel news, Luggage

According to USA Today United Airlines is now charging $25 for a second checked bag. The article offers this suggestion for skirting the fee:

…packing more in one bag without exceeding the 50-pound weight limit, packing more carry-on luggage, having a fellow traveler check the second bag (this would violate airport security rules), or bringing a bag that exceeds carry-on limits to the gate and checking it there.


Unfortunately, “packing more carry-on luggage” means more people bringing more overweight, oversized carryons which - if you’re lucky - won’t fall out of the overhead compartment and kill you. 


Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (http://www.1bag1world.com/).
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