Peter Hitchens is my favorite reactionary. And he travels in the good old USA now and again - and reacts:
“One of these days I will turn up for a flight clad only in my swimming trunks, having sent all my possessions on ahead.
I can think of no other way of speeding up the ridiculous, humiliating procedure we endure at airports. But would I be arrested for making fun of the War on Terror?
Every time I fly, I am compelled to take more and more of my clothes off – first the jacket, then the belt, then the shoes, next, no doubt, the shirt, before long, I expect, the trousers.
Why not the lot? I believe they have a machine at Heathrow that allows “security” staff to see through your clothes.
You cannot even complain. At the humorously named George Bush Airport in Houston, Texas, last week, I was hectored – as I shuffled, shoeless and beltless, towards a metal detector – by loudspeaker announcements warning me that I could be arrested for making jokes about security.” - The Daily Mail