Carry-on ban is a possibility
December 30, 2009

I just heard aviation expert Michael Boyd tell Neil Cavuto David Asman on Fox that a Canadian-style carry-on ban in the US is a real possibilty and that there are a number in Congress who would welcome it. Why? I say it’s because freight companies, airlines, and unions make political contributions. Flight attendants would love it and so would there corporate bosses - who would rake in the checked luggage fees. Don’t be surprised if this thing has legs. Sign the Save the Carryon petition.

Update on December 31, 2009 by Registered CommenterFrank@OBOW

The quote:

MICHAEL BOYD, PRESIDENT, THE BOYD GROUP: Not really. Bottom line, this whole thing is a joke.

Taking carry-on luggage away from passengers in Canada is not going to fix the problem that we saw over in Amsterdam. But we have been monkeying around with the wrong things with security for eight years. And now the bill is going to due. It may be too late.

We are doing things like this, rather than hardening — hardening our airports and our airport security. So, yes, we have — we have got people in Congress who would love to see this happen.

Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (
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