Defying logic, not terror
December 30, 2009
Frank@OBOW in Air travel news, Travel News & Regulations

The WSJ Middle Seat Terminal’s Scott McCartney has put together one of the better summaries of the measures in place since the “pants bomber” lit up.

TSA has a long history with the flying public of little communication, scant explanation and seemingly mind-boggling rules. The same mistakes are repeating. The flying public deserves clear, logical rules about air travel and enough information to understand why steps are being taken. - complete post

Update on December 30, 2009 by Registered CommenterFrank@OBOW

NYT - “For security ideas, ask business travelers”

Update on December 30, 2009 by Registered CommenterFrank@OBOW

Easing up already, pilot discretion? - NYT

Gale D. Rossides, the acting director of the Transportation Security Administration, said her agency had given airline captains discretion in determining when passengers could move about the cabin during a flight and whether they could have blankets or pillows on their laps.

More changes in security measures will take place in coming days, Ms. Rossides said in an interview Monday.

Some airlines and their passengers have been critical of the measures, which were hastily imposed after Friday’s terrorism attempt by a 23-year old Nigerian. But Ms. Rossides said the agency was intentionally trying to make immediate, simple changes even if they were to be revoked later.

Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (
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