If it plugs, leave it home
February 3, 2009
Frank@OBOW in Tech for travel

The Times of London says gadgets are travel experience killers:

 It may seem Luddite to reject modern technology but when did we lose sight of travel as a celebration of all that is different and an escape from the familiar? That’s not going to happen if we’re weighed down with half of Dixons (think UK’s Best Buy - ed.). It’s time to go cold turkey, ditch the electricals and use the most underused gadget of all - our brain. Instead of plunging into the tinny world of the MP3 player, use your MP-me player. Open your mouth and regain the forgotten art of the conversation. Have a chat with a stranger. Try this: “Excuse me, I’m just in Copenhagen/Toronto/Bristol for the weekend. I don’t know it at all. Can you recommend some good bars?” Pick someone you fancy - you’re not going to burst into flames.

I might add that leaving the electronics home saves weight too, though the fact of modern air travel certainly necessitates - in my opinion - a good MP3/iPod-type device.  My new Samsung netbook weighs under three pounds, but I’m going to try to resist the temptation to take it along when it is unnecessary.


Update on February 4, 2009 by Registered CommenterFrank@OBOW

The weight-saving multicharger recommended by Buzz:

Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (http://www.1bag1world.com/).
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