Remember analog?
August 21, 2009
Frank@OBOW in Packing, Tech for travel, Tip-O-Rama

Implicit Simplicity’s analog PDA:

The basics of the system are the same. Printouts from Google Calendar and Google Tasks gives me a “wear and tear” couple of A4-sheets which fold nicely into my back pocket. Extremely portable, nobody will steal it and it doesn’t matter if I lose them or I get caught in a downpour.

I do a similar thing to save weight, printing out double-sided small-print sheets instead of taking guidebooks and big maps. But still - if you have good eyes and nimble fingers - there’s nothing like an iPhone or a Kindle to replace the most stuff and save the most weight.

Update on August 24, 2009 by Registered CommenterFrank@OBOW

An analog tip from OBOW reader Maria - be sure to mix this technique with a dose of graciousness or it could go quite wrong:

Print a copy of the TSA (or equivalent depending on country) government official website listing what is allowed in a carry on bag. Every once in a while you will get a TSA agent that likes to have their own version of the rules. Here is an example of how it helped to have a copy / print out from the official website:

A friend was stopped for bringing her knitting needles in her carry-on bag. She then showed her printed pages indicating that knitting needles were allowed - and was then able to bring them instead of having them confiscated and thrown out.

Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (
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