Disturbing news...35% favor ban
January 15, 2010
Frank@OBOW in Air travel news

A new TripAdvisor survey reveals some disturbing findings:

“Seventy-seven percent of travelers said they would rather have enhanced airport screenings, even if it meant longer lines at the airport. Thirty-five percent of travelers said they would favor a ban on carry-on luggage if it would make flights more secure.” - full text of press release

The survey also says 82% favor some form of profiling.

And, from the TripAdvisor blog, on scanners:

We polled more than 2,200 people last week, asking  if they would be comfortable with U.S. airports using full body scanners that can see through clothing.  A resounding 78% said yes, scanners would enhance security.  The remaining 22% felt it was too much of an invasion of privacy.  Looks like the majority will feel more secure, as we’re likely to see 500 or so machines in play at U.S. airports by the end of this year, and many European countries — including the U.K., the Netherlands, France, and Germany — move closer to implementing mandatory scans. - read post 


Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (http://www.1bag1world.com/).
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