So, granny, whatcha makin?
November 19, 2010

It seems the so called bomb found in Namibia the other day being loaded on a flight to Germany and causing Germany to set out an imminent terror warning, wasn’t exactly what it seemed to be.

Turns out, it was a testing device made to look like a bomb but is completely harmless. The devices are manufactured by a small California shop. It’s owner says his grandmother helped.

The big question is how did the device get from a small California town to Namibia?  Let’s just say there are a bunch of Namibians and Germans who aren’t very happy.

Phony Bomb

(Frank II)

Update on November 20, 2010 by Registered CommenterFrank@OBOW

This story just keeps getting better and better….now, it seems, the head of airport security in Namibia has been arrested and admitted to planting the dummy device.

Airport Security Chief plants dummy bomb

(Frank II)

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