Real threat or a plot to open print shops in every airport worldwide?
November 2, 2010

It was inevitable and bound to happen. We knew the government would have some type of knee jerk reaction but I never thought it would go this far. Heathrow Airport was the first to implement and I’m sure TSA is close behind. Brace yourself. Here it is direct from Heathrow’s website:

Printer ink and toner

In response to an attempted terrorist attack involving the concealment of explosives in printer cartridges, passengers are no longer permitted to carry any ink or toner cartridge over 500g in hand baggage.

Think about it. Fedex had their planes searched last week. Fedex owns Kinkos. A Conspiracy? You be the judge.


(Frank II)


Update on November 2, 2010 by Registered CommenterFrank@OBOW

Laughing about no laughing matter with a UK spoof news website’s post titled “I think my printer is a terrorist”:

MI6, however, believe the terrorists have also developed a photocopier bomb and have warned against drunken attempts to photocopy your arse at this year’s office Christmas party.

Head of MI6, Sir John Sawers, said “We realise arse-photocopying is a staple part of British culture, and not doing it could be seen as giving victory to the terrorists.”

“But at least you’ll be able to enjoy your Christmas dinner with your genitals intact. - NEWSARSE


Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (
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