Nothing saves more weight that ditching that laptop in favor of a handheld device. Here are a few of my favorite travel apps for iPhone/Touch/iPad — good ways to put those iTunes gift cards to work.
The first two are all about a good night’s sleep. Some light travelers are also light in the wallet and, as such, may not be able to afford the quietest of accommodations. Naturespace and White Noise are apps that provide soothing background noise that make getting to sleep and staying there easier. You can use earbuds for best effect, but if comfort or safety concerns cause you to shun earbuds in bed, both apps play at a high volume on the iPhone or Touch’s built-in speaker with surprising, three-dimensional audio. Sleep timers mean they don’t have to play all night. The free/lite version of either is terrific; upgrades are available. Naturespace seems to be Apple-only. White Noise has a version for nearly every mobile platform.
My other fave is London Tube Deluxe. It’s hard to imagine more value for 99 cents if you’re headed to the town on the Thames. Great for Touch, even better for the iPhone.
Other obvious picks are Skype and a variety of guidebook and language apps. What are your most apptastic essentials?
The noise apps are also helpful when you’re trying to sleep on a plane…