Is one bag travel for everyone?
December 2, 2010

The other day I was talking to a friend about the merits of traveling light. He’s one of those people who can’t imagine not taking a full sized suitcase even for a 2-3 day business trip. When I described what I take, his responses seemed to always start: “But what if I need this……”

Can anyone learn to be a one bag traveler? This is a questions I get asked on a regular basis. And my answer, as always is …….No. It just may not be possible for everyone. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Take the sportsman or the hobbyist who carries more equipment than “one bag” would hold yet this pursuit will bring them much joy. Nothing wrong with that.

Or the person who likes to dress for dinner every night to enjoy great food and wine. Again, nothing wrong but doubtful they could fit everything into one bag.

Or the business person required to carry lots of literature or extra equipment as part of their work. A requirement they should not take lightly for the sake of their job.

And, in fact, many of us sworn one-bag travelers will occasionally take larger bags depending on the circumstance.

Light travel is a mind set. It’s the decision to take only what is absolutely necessary for your trip. It is taking ONE carry-on sized bag and, if necessary, a small personal item to carry the myriad of technology we have all learned to rely on.

It is not “how much can I cram into one carry-on sized bag,” but “how can I pack efficiently and effectively for the trip I’m taking.” It’s eliminating the “what if” mentality; what if I need this, what if I need that. Chances are, anything you need, you can buy at your destination. Take only the bare minimum of supplies and buy as you go along. Don’t take a different outfit for every day. Be willing to either launder or have your clothes laundered along the way.

To those who have never tried one bag travel….why not give it a shot. If it’s not for you, then at least you tried. No one will put you down for it. All we ask is you don’t put us down for preferring to travel light.

(Frank II)



Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (
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