Has one bag travel changed you in other areas?
December 3, 2010

To the one bag travelers out there….does the concept of lightening the load, so to speak, have any effect in other areas of your life?

It has for me. I’ve learned that I don’t need as much stuff as I thought I did. I believe life is more about what we exeperience and the relationships we have than the stuff we own. After more than 20 years of travel and a few instances of long term temporary furnished residences, I realize that stuff is fleeting, life is not.

I am currently on my final journey of becoming a minimalist. The same principles I use to pack my bag for travel I’m using to organize my  home.  Only what I need, a few extra pieces for fun or sentimental reasons, and that’s it.

How about you?


(Frank II)

Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (http://www.1bag1world.com/).
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