UK losing "foul" liquid ban, baby
December 7, 2010
Frank@OBOW in Travel News & Regulations

Don’t expect the US to follow suit, but the UK has set a date to flush their liquids-in-carry-on ban:

The ban on carrying liquids in hand luggage at UK airports is to be eased and could be phased out completely by 2013.

In an interview with the Sunday Times, Transport Secretary Philip Hammond revealed that airports would begin to relax restrictions next April

Mr Hammond said he sympathised with parents with young children.

He said: ‘I have seen mothers tasting it, and doesn’t it taste foul? The good news is that by 2013 the ban on mush will have ended.’

Mr Hammond said he planned to make the system more flexible. - Daily Mail

Somehow I can’t imagine US officials speaking this way. The EU announced earlier this year that the ban could be lifted in 2013 because of the development of technology to detect explosives in liquids. I’m sure it’s easier to get the liquid detection tech distributed around a small country. Sounds like a rolling phaseout — good news anyway.


Update on December 8, 2010 by Registered CommenterFrank@OBOW

More British common sense from the Telegraph:

Philip Hammond, the Transport Secretary, has been pushing his European counterparts to overhaul airport security, which he believes is too rigid.

He is lobbying hard for changes which would allow bodyscanners to be used as a primary screening method and an alternative to metal detecting arches.

Last month he Mr Hammond told the Transport Select Committee that he believed airline passengers were being subjected to more security checks than necessary,

“It is possible in some cases more searches than are necessary are being carried out. Different approaches using technology could eliminate risk,” he said.

“I am not suggesting we relax the standards we require. I am suggesting more flexibility.”

This guy obviously didn’t get the same memo that the US agencies got. Or missed an important meeting. Expect him to be sacked any day.

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