Yikes. Here’s part of a “modest proposal” from a fairly influential travel website:
In any case, the US Congress should back off. if Spirit or any other airline decides to ban larger-sized carry-ons for safety reasons or to charge for them for revenue-enhanhcement reasons or to discourage passengers from using the overhead bins altogether, then that’s their business. If the government were really consumer focused, they should recognize the health hazards of large carry-on luggage and encourage airlines to ban the practice altogether, following Spirit’s model of only permitting smaller carry-ons that fit under the seat. - airfarewatchdog.com via Yahoo News
He argues that banning all larger-than-personal carry-ons would increase airline efficiency by speeding loading and unloading. What about weather, runway backups, mechanical failure, and food trucks with flat tires? He also admits the increase in checked baggage would require more airline employees ($$$) and further assumes that checked bags would be free again in this future wonderland of no “large” carry-ons. I’m not buying it.