More checkpoint follies - bogus or heinous?
May 26, 2010
Frank@OBOW in Air travel news

For real? Scam? Better stick with that cool $29 Casio watch, just in case:

Imagine being ordered by airport security workers to put your very expensive watch on a scanning belt, over your objections. Then imagine going to retrieve it and it’s gone.

A Baker County woman says that experience at Norfolk International Airport in Virginia last year  cost her a $24,000 Rolex her husband saved up to buy her on her 50th birthday.

Now she’s suing the U.S. Transportation Security Administration after the agency rejected her claim letter and her congressman unsuccessfully attempted to intervene. - Florida Times-Union/

Lesson - bling is not the thing at the checkpoint.

Update on May 27, 2010 by Registered CommenterFrank@OBOW

FlyerTalk thread one Watchgate.

Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (
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