You knew this was going to happen
May 8, 2010
Frank@OBOW in Air travel news

Do strip search scanners really enhance security? Maybe. Do they facilitate locker room humor and offer infinite opportunity for embarrasment and coarse jokes? Definitely.

An airport security guard allegedly battered a colleague who ridiculed him about the size of his manhood after he walked through a hi-tech body scanner.

Miami-Dade Police say Rolando Negrin snapped because he ‘couldn’t take the jokes anymore’.

During a training session at Miami International Airport, Negrin’s co-workers had noticed his private parts as he walked through a new ‘whole body image’ machine. - Daily Mail

Don’t worry, I’m sure only employees are subjected to this type of scrutiny — never passengers. See the police report here.

Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (
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