A quick look from the airport today
June 9, 2010
Frank@OBOW in Gear Reviews, Luggage

I’ve had this bag a couple of weeks but have been too busy to write about or photograph it. The new Tom Bihn Western Flyer sans backpack straps:

It’s riding, quite unnecessarily, on my wife’s roller. The bottom of the back pocket is zippered  — becomes a magazine pocket when zipped. This is better than knotting the strap or clipping a carabiner to the handle, neither of which works well. I paid today - for the first time ever - the cursed checked bag fee. Not fun. Don’t worry, it wasn’t my bag.

More to come on this bag and its upgrades over the original version.


Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (http://www.1bag1world.com/).
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