Spirit CEO Ben Baldanza must have been reading OBOW. He says (in effect). “Hey, wimps, you don’t need no stinkin’ bags. Get one of those new travel trenchcoats and no-bag it already!”
‘The head of the nation’s most fee-happy airline told Congress today that bringing luggage on vacation was “not essential” to travel and his airline was actually helping the poor fly by charging up to $45 to place a carry-on bag in the overhead bin.’ - ABC
A reminder, Spirit charges for carry-ons but not for one personal bag which must fit underneath a seat and measure 16 x 14 x 12” (40 x 35 x 30cm) or less.
Here’s a thought: since Spirit expressly allows several items like coats, wraps, etc. to be excluded from the carry-on fees, someone should design a bag that looks like a folded raincoat. The TSA people wouldn’t care - they’d just scan it with everything else. The gate agents would just see a bulky, folded coat. It would need hideaway straps, obviously.