The feisty New York Post splashes:
‘Wing nut’ has major baggage and reports:
The JetBlue flight attendant who flipped out after his plane landed at JFK and then escaped using the emergency chute is a self-professed “bag Nazi” who was furious over a passenger’s oversized luggage, authorities said yesterday.
“I hate to be a bag Nazi when I work a flight, but I feel if I am not, then I am letting down all those who cooperate and try to help out as well,” fussy flight attendant Steven Slater wrote several months ago on, an aviation Web site on which he uses the handle “skyliner747.”
Discuss here.
And wouldn’t you know, the evil of gate checking had something to do with it:
After JetBlue Flight 1052 landed in New York, one of the women who had been asked to gate-check her bag was enraged that it wasn’t immediately available, Turman said.
“The woman was outraged and cursed him out a great deal,” Turman said. “At some point, I think he just wanted to avoid conflict with her.” - Yahoo
He’d been dreaming of taking the slide for 20 years?
“For 20 years, I thought about it,” he said in an interview on Wednesday morning. That’s how long he’s been in the industry. “But you never think you’re going to do it.” - NYT
This hurts his “I couldn’t take it anymore and just snapped” defense a little bit, but probably helps his chances of sitting down for a chat with Barbara Walters or whoever does that kind of thing these days.