Probably an isolated case (not)
September 30, 2010
Frank@OBOW in Air travel news
In Nigeria…
The 3D full-body scanners procured for thorough body check of passengers at the nation’s major airports for security reasons are now being abused by security officials from the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN), THISDAY can confirm.

They use the machines, installed in the wake of the Farouk AbdulMutallab affair, to watch the naked images of female passengers for fun…

THISDAY discovered that during off-peak periods, the aviation security officials, who are trained on the use of the scanners, usually stroll from the cubicle located in a hidden corner on the right side of the screening area where the 3D full-body scanner monitors are located.

They do so to catch a glimpse of some of the passengers entering the machine and immediately go back to view the naked images, in order to match the faces with the images since the faces are blurred on the monitors while passengers are inside the machine. - THIS DAY
Update on September 30, 2010 by Registered CommenterFrank@OBOW

And isn’t this comforting?

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said the push aims to counter terrorists who might use international flights for attacks by smuggling explosives through overseas metal detectors. Such devices can’t stop suicide bombers from hiding unconventional weapons under their clothes. A Nigerian man is under federal indictment for trying to blow up an international flight headed for Detroit in December by igniting powdered explosives in his underwear.

“We need to move to the next stage of screening,” Napolitano told USA TODAY. Terrorists “have kind of figured out the magnetometer business.”- USA Today

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