Verizon Gets the Iphone
January 11, 2011

Finally, the wait is over. In early February, Verizon customers who have waited for months on rumors that the Iphone is coming have to wait no longer.

And I was one of those people. Currently, I travel with a Blackberry and an Ipod Touch. Now, I thought, I can get an iphone and only need to travel with one device. One less device, one less charger.

Or so I thought.

While the ATT IPhone is GSM and can be used all over the world, the Verizon model will be CDMA and only CDMA. No quad band as I had hoped.

So, outside North America, and a few countries, spattered here and there, the only way to get connected overseas is via wi-fi—and I can do that now with my Ipod.

Oh well, I still have a year left before I can upgrade. I wonder what Verizon will have in store by then.

Quad band droid?

(Frank II)

Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (
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