Gear Review: Rufus Roo
October 5, 2011
Frank@OBOW in Clothes for Travel, Gear Reviews, Travel Products

Flying on an airline that has strict carry-on rules but you don’t want to check luggage or pay fees? A new product to hit the market is the Rufus Roo.

This jacket/poncho has six pockets, comes in six colors all with red zippers except black where you have a choice of red or black zippers, red logos on front and back, and is made of 100% “see-thru” polyester. Yes, that’s right, see-thru. I ordered one in black with black zippers and when held up to the light you can see right through it.  All of the other colors have red trim zippers


It’s suggested no more than 10kg (22 lbs) be loaded onto the jacket. They also show someone carrying an Ipad. Sorry, I wouldn’t trust any heavy electronics to these pockets. Clothing, yes, but nothing of real value. It also looks bulky when packed. You won’t be fooling anyone. 

The Rufus Roo comes in three sizes: Adult Large ( covering everything from Large to XX-Large), Medium and Child sizes. The large weighs 350 grams (just over 12 ounces.)

$49 for adult sizes/32.50 for kids size. Shipping is a flat $10 for one or more items. The item is shipped from the UK. 

The idea is good. Unfortunately, the execution needs work. That being said, if you travel on one of the restrictive airlines and don’t mind looking a little silly to save money, then the Rufus Roo might be the way to go. 

For more information, go to the Rufus Roo website. . 


Rufus Roo supplied the product for review. 


Addendum: Let me clarify my “see-thru” comment. You can’t see into the pockets but if you hold up the jacket in areas where there are no pockets, like the back, you can see thru it with a light in the background. You can’t see through when it’s being worn. (My apologies to Paula S. for not clarifying this before her comment was made.)

Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (
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