Water & Dehydration are mutually exclusive according to the EU
November 20, 2011

There’s a joke amongst travel professionals that if you want to spot an American overseas, just look for someone carrying a big water bottle. After all, we’re taught that you must drink at least eight glasses of water a day to prevent yourself from getting dehydrated. 

Right? Well, not necessarily. Not if you’re in the EU.

It all started when some water companies in Europe wanted the right to say on water bottles that drinking water helped to prevent dehydration. (Not just bottled water but water in general.) And with all things that make sense, the EU had to convene a panel of experts. Experts, who, I should tell you, said there is no correlation between water and dehydration. (I’m not kidding.)

And what does the EU do? Not only do they ban anyone from using the statement in advertising but if they do use it, it could mean jail time.

Now remember, in the past, the EU enacted laws banning curved bananas and cucumbers, both since rescinded, after much ridicule.

With all the problems the EU faces, think financial collapse, it makes me wonder why this non-elected body is given so much power.

Perhaps this Brussels based group has been sampling too much of the great Belgian beer? It would be better if they stuck to chocolate.

EU bans claim that water can prevent dehydration

Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (http://www.1bag1world.com/).
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