Website Confusion
November 26, 2011

I think people are getting confused with the different aspects of this website.

There are two places where readers can post their ideas, opinions, etc.

The first is the blog itself. Like any other website’s blog, the webmaster, editor, or whatever title is given to the person in control, has complete say over what is “said.” It’s his, or her, choice. On this website we also allow you, the reader, to comment. So, as an example, if I choose to only discuss non-wheeled bags, that’s my choice.If I don’t want to discuss wheeled bag, I’m not censoring anyone. It’s my blog I get to choose. (And when I said I would allow discussions of some wheeled bags but now regret it, I was referring to the blog. ) This is like every other blog in the internet.

The other place where you, the reader, can post, is the Reader’s Forum. Here you are basically free to ask questions, respond to other postings, etc, with the only restrictions being that the postings are non-commercial in nature, are free of foul language, and are in what is considered a general civilized tone.  As long as those rules are followed, and can be found in the “Posting Guidelines” link at the top of the page, I do not censor. (Oh, and please keep them travel related.)

I have a feeling that some are getting the two areas confused. Heck, even I was for a short time.

Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (
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