Preparing for emergencies
August 28, 2011
Frank@OBOW in Safety

With all the news of Hurricane Irene affecting flights, hotels, trains, car travel, etc., it had me wondering:

What do one baggers do to prepare themselves for emergencies while traveling?

Sure, with days notice of a hurricane we can all change our plans, but what about earthquakes, terrorist attacks or civil insurrection? Do you pre-plan for “what ifs” or would you rely completely on your hotel/hostel? 

If traveling internationally, do you carry the local phone number’s of your country’s consulate?

Have the local contact information for your airline or train? A copy of their schedules? 

Extra food in case you are trapped in your room for a number of hours or even a day? Access to clean water? 

Access to news? 


Travel health insurance with evacuation privileges? 

What do you do or do you do nothing assuming the odds are against anything bad happening? 

(Frank II)

Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (
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