As you can imagine, I get quite a few products to review. Many of which I don’t actually use on a regular basis. I feel it’s best to try to find them new homes and make room for more items. Additionally, any money received from the sale of these goods helps to cover the cost of this website. Some items have already been sold but I still have the following items available:
Jaktogo ($40)
Travelpro Metrosafe 250 (Never used)—Black—$50
All prices include shipping within the continental U.S.
I’m going to do a big clear out and reorganization of the “travel goods” area here at OBOW World Headquarters so more items may be added in the future—especially smaller ones.
If interested in anything, send me an email. You can find the link above.
(This posting was editied on October 29, 2012. Some of the responses were written prior to this update and refer to the non-editied version)