Daily Roundup--February 6, 2012
February 6, 2012
Frank@OBOW in Daily Roundup

 China is banning its airlines from paying an EU emissions tax on all flights in and out of Europe. Twenty six other countries, including the U.S. and India, are protesting the legality of the EU’s actions.


The NY Giants did some celebrating on their flight home today from Indianapolis to Newark. This video was posted before they even landed:


It looks like full body scans will be required at Australia’s international airports. No more opting for a pat down. Only those with serious medical conditions may opt out.


A new bill in front of the Senate  will allow airports to hire private screeners to replace the TSA. This bill, which already passed the House of Representatives, is expected to pass the Senate and then be signed by the President. The bill overrides TSA head John Pistole who said he would not allow private screeners.


This has nothing to do with travel but it’s just wrong!!!!! Thank you for allowing me my rant.

Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (http://www.1bag1world.com/).
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