Bag Thefts Are Skyrocketing
March 27, 2012
Frank@OBOW in Safety, Security

Quite often, I get a lecture from a traveler, as to why they always check a bag even if it’s small enough to be carried onto the plane.

“Why should I lug that bag through the airport especially if my airline offers free checking?” they ask. “After all, I’ve never had a problem.”


This news story shocked me as to the magnitude of the problem of baggage theft. And it’s not just going on at one airport.

JFK gets upwards of 200 bag thefts a day.

 Perhaps we should change the slogan from “Keep calm and carry-on” to “Out of sight, out of luck.”

 I’ll continue to pack light and carry on.

Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (
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