Roundup--June 28, 2012
June 28, 2012
Frank@OBOW in Roundup

Lookout Boeing, Airbus may start building planes in Alabama. The factory would construct A-320’s, a direct competitor to the popular Boeing 737.


Some new frequent flier alliances:  Jet Blue and Emirates & American Airlines and Westjet.


Speaking of Emirates, the airline will  launch a second daily Airbus A380 service between Dubai and New York’s JFK. This second flight is scheduled to start in January of 2013. 


Delta will begin to offer wifi on its international flights beginning next year.


As most people know, Greece is having some serious economic problems. Later this week, the EU will hold hearings in Brussels on this issue as well as the future of the Euro. Greek President Karolos Papoullas will attend. To show he’s serious about cutting costs, he’ll fly to the Belgian capital on a regularly scheduled Aegean Airlines flight rather than fly on a private jet. And he’ll be traveling in economy class.


The New York Times technology reporter, David Pogue, has an interesting article in Scientific American on how the TSA rules are not based on science.


Conde Naste Traveler has an article on tips for keeping your suitcase safe. After reading the list, I’m glad I’m a onebagger. Much less to worry about.

Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (
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