As many of you know, this site is dedicated to those who prefer to travel with non-wheeled bags. I know there are some of you out there who hate this because you travel with wheels.
How you decide to travel is up to you. If you wish to travel with a 32” wheeled monster, more power to you. You have the right to travel any way you wish. It doesn’t get me angry, in fact it has no affect on me whatsoever.
But if you decide to post, at least have the decency to respect the site. Some people hate the idea that I won’t cave to do what they prefer and discuss what they do because, after all, those individuals need to prove that their way is the right way and can’t stand the fact that someone does differently or won’t just give in.
Recently, someone posted a review of a wheeled bag. He even noted he knew it was inappropriate for the people here but did it anyway. It would be like going to a website dedicated to vegetarians and posting a review of a hamburger because you like hamburgers. Very disrespectful.
I will admit that the vast majority of travelers use wheels. It’s a known fact. But there are still some who prefer to go without wheels. And don’t they deserve the right to do so and to have a place to go where they can discuss this type of travel? If you don’t like it, don’t try to change it. There are plenty of sites out there where you can talk about your love of wheels.
Sorry to be abrupt but I put a lot of time into this site and don’t need to constantly keep getting digs from certain people because they are so arrogant and egotistical that they insist on mentioning how we don’t like wheels. Perhaps it’s because they are incapable of going without them. And perhaps if they would stop focusing so much on the “wheel” component, they would realize this site offers a lot of information on how to be both a more efficient and lighter traveler.
I realize there are people with physical limitations who need wheels. And I respect that. But, it’s funny, those who have this issue aren’t the ones giving me a hard time or constantly bringing up the wheel issue. They are absorbing the other aspects of this site which can make them better travelers.