Anyone flying domestically in the U.S. knows that if they want to eat something at 30,000 feet they either have to bring it on board themselves or buy whatever is offered. And the pickings are usually slim.
However, on international flights, we still get served complimentary food considering the length of the trip and how much we paid. But don’t expect that meal to get any better. Especially now.
USAir has just introduced their new Dine Fresh option. For $19.95, you can get a “premium” meal. Supposedly of better quality, the meal must be ordered in advance. No “on a whim” purchases.
USAir is the first U.S. airline to offer this but I have a feeling it’s going to be adopted by others.
I can just picture it. You have a choice of two meals: the premium option or a bowl of gruel. And, of course, reminiscent of “Oliver,” some passenger will take his bowl, go up to a flight attendant, and say: “Please, miss, I’d like some more.”
Not only will that passenger not get any more, but he’ll probably be met upon landing by the police and charged with interfering with the flight crew.
After reading what they consider to be a premium meal, I think I’ll stick with what’s served for free, and supplement with my own goodies.