A new phone
September 12, 2012
Frank@OBOW in Tech for travel

In my never ending quest to travel lighter, a couple of weeks ago I purchased the Google Nexus 7 tablet. It’s a 7 inch tablet, weighs only 12 ounces and is surprisingly good. It was my first venture into Android.

I had been using an Ipod Touch but as I get older its screen appears to get smaller. Thus, the tablet. (By the way, I’ll do a review of it shortly.)

But now I also need a new phone. I’m embarrassed to say I still have a Blackberry that is over two years old. I had thought about the new Iphone 5 and watched the coverage of the announcement today. It sounded good. But something happened recently that just got my dander up.

One of the changes on the Iphone 5 is the connector. Instead of the old 30 pin connector anyone using an Apple device is well aware of, a new, smaller one would be used instead. But, the company would be nice and make an adaptor available so we could use our old cords.

So, I went to the Apple store, found the adapter, and couldn’t believe my eyes. The little adapter is selling for $29. Each.

Are they serious? I know Apple likes to only use proprietary products so they get a piece of everything sold, but that is ridiculous.

It also got me thinking. Do I really need to get an Iphone 5 or are there Android phones that work just as well.

I need a phone that runs on Verizon, is 4g capable, wifi, bluetooth, quadband (can be used in the U.S. and overseas), runs Adnroid apps and is reliable.

Any suggestions?

Article originally appeared on One-bag, carry-on, light travel tips, techniques, and gear (http://www.1bag1world.com/).
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