


OBOW Light Travel Forum > "Remove Before Flight" meaning??

Forgive the dumb question, but I have seen these "Remove Before Flight" tags around but have never understood what they mean?? Can anyone here enlightened me, please??

March 19, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAlan
I'll tackle this one. The red ribbon is there to remind someone that whatever it's attached to needs to be removed.

Whenever a plane is parked, it's possible that something has been attached to it that shouldn't be there during flight--a protective cover, external power supply, etc. The red ribbon stands reminds the pilots/ground crew to remove the item.

As an example, one common item used is a pitot tube cover. Without getting too technical, the pitot tube measures airspeed. If this is covered during flight, it can have terrible consequences. The cover has the red "remove before flight" tag on it so it's not forgotten.
March 19, 2013 | Registered CommenterFrank@OBOW
Thanks, Frank!!
March 20, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAlan