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A hi-tech light at the end of the TSA tunnel?

Don’t thow away your 3-1-1 baggies just yet - but:

scan.jpgPassengers breezed through the security checkpoint. No fumbling to pull laptops out of carry-ons. No dumping those quart baggies of liquids and gels into plastic bins.

Shoes still had to come off, but otherwise it was just a matter of putting packed bags through a futuristic MRI-like scanner and going on their way.

 Dozens of randomly selected Southwest Airlines passengers were sent yesterday through a checkpoint at Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport that had a new automatic explosives-detection system being tested by the federal Transportation Security Administration. - from The Baltimore Sun

Better days may be ahead on the air travelers trail. 

Reader Comments (1)

Sounds encouraging.

October 27, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAlan

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