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Wheel wars, how we roll

“Rolling briefcases are one of those contradictory things,” said a Tumi spokeswoman who didn’t want her name attached to the words she said next. “They are hideous,” she said, adding, “our customers tell us they can’t live without them.” - The New York Times

What a terrific story on rolling briefcases - and by extension, suitcases. This is a must read. Another quote:

“The rolling briefcase,” Mr. Lopata continued, “is a symptom of a much bigger problem. Ever notice that the most efficient people are the ones with the least amount of stuff?

Yes! And, this is very interesting:

The American Medical Association warns that carrying more than 10 percent of your body weight can lead to injury, and the overnight appearance of low back pain led me to weigh my own workbag a few summers ago (back then, it was a satchel slung over one shoulder). It was about 25 pounds.

That’s why you should travel (and pack) very light. I weigh 160 lbs. and 16 pounds is the upper limit of comfort for my shoulder. Maybe there’s something to the 10-percent rule. Could be an excuse to gain some weight though…

Read the entire story here





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