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Advice for the fairer sex

One-bag travel is not just for men. There’s no law that says women must have three heavy suitcases. But, I don’t feel fully (or even partially) qualified to pontificate on packing — to the fairer sex. Hence, this link to blogher.org for carryon packing advice for women, by women. In a way, I think females may have it easier than men in this carryon business. Their clothes are usually lighter, more interchangeable, and probably more often synthetic than mens’. And most women are just plain resourceful - which helps a great deal.

Reader Comments (2)

My husband and I have been traveling carry-on for years. Even doing all the wrong things (using roller bags, bringing extra pair of shoes, packing a couple of pair of jeans) we all managed to carry enough clothes to last us a week without washing. We spent 3 weeks in Brazil once with only carry-on luggage and I didn't wear half of what I brought. But that was on the days when carriers were pretty flexible with more than one bag as carry on. Air Canada still allows two carry ons PLUS a personal bag, but the time has come to learn how to travel with one bag more effectively.

Thanks for the site. We are going to Europe for a month this summer and I've been studying your site for a good bag and other tips...

Once you travel carry on, you can never go back...

March 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlexandra

I have been "carry-on" only since 2006. The flight that broke my camel's back was Toronto security knifing my checked in bag and me receiving it in London with my dad's birthday gifts almost spilling onto the carousel. I have vowed to travel LIGHT ever since.
I am low maintenance with regard to hair, make-up etc (this really helps), no hair dryers or curling irons....a short manageable hair style while traveling eliminates those items.
A lot of my clothes are wrinkle free fabrics (I LOVE Modal, soft and comfy...a must for me especially on grotty planes). These clothes are also lightweight and roll up into nothing.
Liquid toiletries and make-up have been replaced by solids that will pass through security unchecked.
I layer clothing so am prepared for a range of climates and always take a hooded rain jacket that I can roll up when not in use.
At the end of every trip I make a note of what I didn't need and what I should have taken and I'm reaching the point of perfecting my packing list with these experiences.
I actually managed to talk my husband into carry-on only on our last trip in December 2008, he was bowled over with it and is now a true convert.
It is truly liberating.

February 11, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPaula S

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