Netbook demo - just for fun
You can tell by the shades in February that my grandson is ready to travel! Actually, my excuse for posting this is to show that my Samsung NC-10 has a not-bad built-in camera. By the way, the little Samsung is probably the reason I’ve been posting a lot more lately - it’s just that much more convenient. The keyboard is quite good (has all-important full-size SHIFT keys), though the touchpad and peripheral keys take some getting used to. Warning about grandsons: they often cause you to have goofy facial expressions.
Reader Comments (1)
I'm looking forward to your comments about traveling with you new notebook. My wife and I are headed for an extended vacation to The Netherlands, Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic in the fall and we're debating about buying a notebook to take along on the trip.
Packing a notebook doesn't bother me as much as all of the support junk needed to cope with different power supplies, etc.
Have fun.