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Budget netbook

If you’re toying with the idea of a toy-sized netbook, price is no longer a barrier. Amazon’s HP Mini Note 8.9 stripper model won’t break even a recession/depression-era bank account at $279. At 2.25 pounds it won’t break you back either. I looked at these before buyng my Samsung and was impressed with the display and keyboard, if not the battery life.

Reader Comments (1)

Amazing to see laptops like this for such bargain prices unheard of just a few years ago. However, the specs of this HP Mini Note above were good back in february 2009 but compared to new netbooks on the market are now run of the mill. Compare the Mini Note's 512 MB RAM, and 8 GB Hard Drive with the Acer Aspire One's 160GB hard drive and 1GB of RAM. available for under $300. Or the MSI U100's similarly impressive specs.

September 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTom

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